IANS Guarantee

I Am Natural Store Guarantee

The I Am Natural Store Guarantee applies to each and every product sold on iamnaturalstore.com.au.

Whenever you place an order on iamnaturalstore.com.au, we promise that you will get exactly what you ordered. If the product isn’t what you ordered, then we will make sure you receive the correct product, and if we can’t we will issue you with a refund.

At I Am Natural Store, we take pride in providing our customers with high-quality clean beauty products. No compromises are taken on any product. Ever..If it's not clean, no matter how wonderful or promising a product sounds, we won't stock it.

Your wellness is at the core of our decisions. You can rest assured that every product on our shelves has been intentionally crafted with quality, natural, cruelty-free ingredients and follow eco-conscious practices.

We are confident that you will love your purchase from us, and we stand behind our products with our IANS Guarantee.

At I Am Natural Store, we value your satisfaction and strive to provide you with the best possible experience. Our store guarantee ensures that you can shop with confidence, knowing that we are here to support you every step of the way.